Saturday, November 15, 2008

School House Rock Election Collection

Before Election Day, I picked up a this School House Rock DVD.  

I had planned to have the girls watch it while we were waiting for election results.  I was afraid after what had gone on in the past 2 Presidential Elections that it would be a long night.  Well, election night went a little faster than I thought, and I never did show the video to them.  So, last night I got it out.

There was some initial negative reaction to it, particularly on the part of Isabella who said, "Is it all singing?  Where is are the talking parts?".  After the first 2 songs, however, they were all into it.  And, surprisingly, they had their favorites by the end.  "No More Kings" and "The Preamble" were definitely at the top of their lists.

I was also surprised at how much they know already, and the kinds questions and comments they came up with while watching the video.  Madeline noticed that the flag pictured during many of the songs was different.  She asked how many stars were on the flag and already knew that that was how many colonies there were.  I guess she was paying attention when we were at Fort McHenry!  We also had a nice discussion about the right to vote and the fact that at one time only white men were able to vote, prompted by the song "Sufferin' Till Suffrage."

I am sure that we will get this video out again many times in the future as they gain a greater grasp of American History, the U.S. government, and the election process.

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