Thursday, November 13, 2008

Isabella's Writing

Isabella has been quite a reluctant writer... I am not talking about journal writing or story writing, or anything like that... I am talking about just the task of writing.  She has not wanted to write letters or numbers, and has certainly not wanted any instruction in how to form letters and numbers correctly.  So, I asked her to write some words as part of the ABeCeDarian Reading Program.  At first she thought it would be a good idea to draw a picture instead.  When I again asked her to write the words, she went and got a piece of blank paper.  I thought she has just decided to draw somewhere else.  Instead, she drew lines on her paper and wrote all of the words several times, almost all correctly.  Then she proudly wrote her name at the top.  I never know!

Here she is working away on writing the words.

Here is her finished paper.

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