Friday, August 28, 2009


I have been meaning to get some pictures of the girls swimming since they were taking lessons months ago. I finally got around to it.

Hailey spends most of her time in the shallow water. She has gotten braver as the summer has progressed, but she is still unwilling to put more than her mouth in the water.

Madeline loves jumping in these days.

She has even gone off the diving board more than a few times this year.

She can swim the length of the pool and back, but really prefers the doggie paddle.

Isabella is a great back floater, which I really envy because I have always hated to float on my back.

She has figured out how to swim a good distance, but tires easily, and I don't let her swim too far from me because of that. She has actually gone off of the diving board this year a couple of times, but is not really a strong enough swimmer to be doing that. A few more lessons and I'm sure she will be ready to do it without scaring me.

The water slide was by far Hailey's favorite part of the pool this year.

Isabella (and Madeline) enjoyed it too. Isabella always wanted to be caught by the life guard, but unlike the diving board, she was able to swim from the slide to the ladder with little difficulty (not quite as far).

Now I just have to decide what we are going to do this year to keep their swimming skills up. I know that Madeline and Isabella really want to be on the swim team next summer, so I want to be sure that they are ready!

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