Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Tracking Program

I have really found it to be helpful to track our homeschooling activities on my computer. The tracking program allows me to see where we have been and where we need to go during the year. I recently made a change in the program that I am using. I have changed to Homeschool Tracker Plus. This program has the advantage of letting me record all of my lesson plans without attaching dates to them. Then, when I need them, I can move them to the assignments section. It has made planning a whole lot easier. This past week my kids have all had colds, and have really not wanted to do anything (other than listen to me read and do art projects - they are rarely too sick for those activities). It has give me some time to explore the program and to get LOTS of lessons entered for the year. I feel so much more organized! I am so glad I made the switch!

Homeschool Tracker

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