Sunday, June 6, 2010


After leaving Pennsylvania, we travelled to Connecticut to visit my family.  We were able to see several family members I have not seen in several years at a dinner my mother coordinated.  The highlight of that dinner, however, was the kids (my 3 girls and their cousin) writing and performing a puppet show.  It was really great to see the kids working together and having a great time, even though they don't get to see their cousin very often.
Sorry about the poor picture quality.  I forgot to take my camera in, so this was taken with my phone.

Um, did I mention that while the girls and I were doing all of this, Bill was in Istanbul, Turkey?  He did bring back some great pictures, though, including this one of the top third of an Egyptian monolith.  Madeline is looking forward to trying to decipher the hieroglyphs.

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