We also ordered the video "Fly Away Home," which was a big hit with the girls. They would watch it over and over again if I would let them. It has also served as a springboard for them to tell and act out stories of their own about saving geese and leading them south, and as stated in a pervious post, Madeline used it as an inspiration for a story she wrote in her journal. It has also been the subject of several drawing and painting Madeline has done in the past week or so.
We also found a documentary video from Operation Migration, "Hope Takes Wing," which documents some of the efforts to reintroduce the whooping crane. The girls did not find it as exciting as "Fly Away Home," but it was full of great information.
Here is a poster Madeline made to show some of the animals that migrate (a hibernation poster is still in the works). For those of you who need help with Madeline's "invented spelling," the labels are, beginning on the left and proceeding counter-clockwise, are "The Whooping Crane," "The Arctic Tern," "First Hummingbird," "Whales," "The Blue Bird," and "The Monarchs." "Migration" is, of course, written in the center.

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