The first is a computer-based program called geeART16. It contains a lot of really great art information, some online activities for learning more about art and artists, and includes Corel Painter Essentials. The kids can do the art activities on Corel Paint so it is less messy : 0 ). The 16 lessons are divided into sayArt, a seeArt, and doART. It allows you to save a portfolio of the work done on Corel Paint for each lesson. It also includes lesson plans for additional projects that can be done with art materials, off of the computer. You can find the program at You can test out the program at the site. I think Madeline did the sample lesson T least 5 times before we ordered the rest of it. It has really kept her attention!
The second program is Atelier Homeschool Art ( This is a video-based program. There are 8 levels, broken into 3 modules each. We started with Level 1, Module A. The kids watch the video and follow along as they complete the projects. We have completed the first 2 lessons. Both Madeline and Isabella did the first art project, a line caterpillar, a couple of times. They did the second lesson today. It was learning about Pablo Picasso's Mains Aux Fleurs, and then painting their own similar masterpiece. They also learned how to mix primary colors to make secondary colors while completing the lesson.
Here are some photos of their artistic processes:

And some of their final masterpieces:

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