Friday, September 3, 2010

A Beautiful Fall-like Day

It has been a long hot, humid summer!  We have tried to spend as much time outside as possible, but I have so often heard, "it's too hot!" from one child or another many times over the past few months!  We have finally had some very nice cooler, less humid days recently.  We have celebrated by spending LOTS of time outside on these nice days.

Today we joined a group of our friends, also homeschoolers, for some time outside.  First, we checked out the critters in Bear Creek.  There was an abundance of life to observe, and I was somewhat surprised to see how many organisms the girls and I could identify.  We found tons of dragonfly larvae; toe-biter beetles; tadpoles in all different stages, sizes and types; frogs; damselfly larvae; snails; and several other organisms I'm sure I am forgetting right now.  I will also say that the girls amaze me with the fearlessness with which they enter the murky, muddy water.  They just walk right in!

We were lucky enough to have daddy along on this adventure!

Hands full of tadpoles!

After a brief intermission for soccer practice, we returned to our friends for a bonfire and collecting of some nocturnal creatures (mainly moths) for observation.  You can't beat a great day in the out of doors with friends!

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