Thursday, September 18, 2008

"It Must be One of Ours!" - A Monarch Update

Since we released our first Monarchs, the girls have been on the lookout for more.  We have had several Monarchs come and lay eggs in our milkweed plants.  Some have even made their way into our house so that the girls could watch more develop and change into butterflies.  Our milkweed plants have now been eaten bare and grown back several times, and our garden has hosted several chrysalides.  

The girls have developed a real interest in and concern for these small creatures.  Madeline even points them south now that it is getting cooler when she releases them so that they know where to go on their long migration.   Whenever we see a Monarch outside the girls inevitably yell, "It must be one of ours!"  Learning about Monarchs has definitely caused the girls to take a great interest in them, and has hopefully inspired them to have a greater respect for all living things and take ownership in caring for their environment and the people and things that live there.

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