Thursday, June 10, 2010

Whale Watching

One of the highlights of our trip east was a whale watching trip.  We took a trip through Hyannis Whale Watcher.  It was an absolutely beautiful day for the trip.  Since it was early in the season, the boat was not very full, and the kids got to have a great view of the whales and dolphins that were spotted.

We were able to watch several humpback whales, including some working in groups to feed.  The girls learned some fascinating facts about the whales as well.  Did you know that the pattern of the whale's tale is like a fingerprint?  Each one is unique. They also got to learn what whale breath smells like.  Here are a few pictures of the whales we saw.

We also saw Atlantic White Sided dolphins.

It was a great opportunity for the girls  to observe these animals up-close in their natural habitat.  They learned a lot about their behaviors.  And of course, Isabella now wants to be a marine biologist.

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