Friday, July 17, 2009

Life in Our Backyard

I'm sure that I have said it before, and I am sure that I will say it again, but I truly love where we live!  There is always so much life outside!  Occasionally it does drive me crazy, like the squirrels who are literally eating our slide or the mice who are living on our screened-in porch and won't leave, but most of the time I really love it.  

Shortly after we moved in, I purchased two bluebird boxes and we put them up.  Every year we have had several families of birds (although not necessarily bluebirds) live in one of the boxes, but the other has remained relatively empty.  We did have a nest started in it last year, but it was never finished.  The difference between the boxes is that the one with many residents has all wooden sides and top, and is located in a relatively quiet part of our yard, while the other box is placed near our porch and has one side that is plexi-glass, so that we can watch the action inside. I figured that we would never see a family in there, but I was wrong.

This morning we noticed that there are indeed what looks like 4 baby birds living in the box.  We were all so excited to watch them.  They are in there just peeping away, and the momma bird keeps delivering tasty smacks to them.  The older girls are already talking about how they cannot wait until they get to see the babies learn to fly.  Hailey, who has been using the LivingBooks CD-Rom for Stellaluna, has name the birds Flip, Flutter, and Flap.  Evidently the fourth is unnamed since there are only 3 birds in the book.

This is a picture of the bird box with the plexi-glass back, located in our weed-filled garden.

Madeline and Isabella watching the family.

Here is Hailey trying to use a pair of folding binoculars that I think we got for free with something we ordered at one point quite a while ago.  I am surprised at how well they work. And, yes, she is using them backwards.

A close-up of Flip, Flutter, and Flap.

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